


Famous for King John's first Maunday alms (1210), St. Robert's Cave (a hermit's chapel and cave); The Castle (where the killers of Thomas Beckett hid); Mother Shipton, her cave and wishing well, plus the petrifying wall; Blind Jack, a pioneering roadmaker; the viaduct view.

More about the town (external links)
Knaresborough Online
The Museums website

the castle, 1837

Pages from an old tourist guide, the 6th edition (1831) of "Ripon (and surrounding areas), a tourist's companion".

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The area around Knaresborough is equally interesting. My favourite place was the site of the Devil's Arrows, now unfortunately very close to the A1M motorway.

I grew up close to the Yorkshire Dales and therefore knew bliss.

My home town, in North Yorkshire. A great place to grow up, but a little isolated for a teenager! I guess I have an expatriate's enthusiasm for the place.
Copyright by Mike Lowndes, mikelATnhm.ac.uk